Exploring an abandoned village After visiting the Duga radar and control facility, we were going to explore the abandonded Zamoshna village. Because we got up very early in…
Exploring the Duga Radar Back in the stalker flat, we prepared our stuff for moving out to the Duga radar and had dinner. That said, it was this…
One day in Pripyat – Urban Exploration The next morning, we woke up in our Pripyat flat with some notable muscle ache. But I was a little bit relieved to hear…
Hiking through the zone to Pripyat After a restful sleep, we were supposed to hike the rest of the way to Pripyat. We were greeted by sun rays shining through…
The Chernobyl hike begins Finally the Chernobyl hike starts! Well, this is actually the 2nd day of the Ukraine trip. But it’s the 6th article in this series.…
Kyiv Underground & Bunker UrbEx Tour #2 After exploring the drainage system, we were put into an Uber that brought us to a location in Kyiv way closer to the city…
Kyiv Underground & Bunker UrbEx Tour It is not Chernobyl time, yet. But we will enter the Kyiv underground to explore the drainage system “Mykilska” and a Soviet civil protection…
Preparing the Chernobyl hiking trip Now I was sitting there, having committed to a multi-day hike through the Chernobyl exclusion zone. Despite having never been hiking before. I did…
Hey, we’re going to Chernobyl Hinweis: Wegen höherer Reichweite und dem internationalen Charakter der Reisegruppe, veröffentliche ich diese Chernobyl-Reiseberichte in Englisch. One of the trips planned for 2020, was…
UrbEx – Urban Exploration Seit dem Redesign dieser Seite hier steht im Header u. A. auch das Schlagwort “Urban Exploration” – in der Szene kurz UrbEx genannt. So…
Fotos mit Daten zu radioaktiver Strahlung taggen Ich fotografiere schon ein ganze Weile. Mir ist dabei mehrfach aufgefallen, dass ich einen gewissen Charme in verlassenen und heruntergekommenen Orten sehe. Einer der…